Saturday, 21 November 2015

30 Day Intention Activator


30box2Get ClearGet ActivatedGet Results!

At last! This breakthrough new system is designed to bring you what you want by helping you select your intention, get clear of any internal negative beliefs about it, and take inspired action, while also reminding you daily for 30 days to focus on your intentions with love and spirit!

This is as easy as opening an email, listening to heavenly original music, and describing a fantasy – that brings you a miracle!

This is a FUN SYSTEM that will work for you – Guaranteed!

What would you like to attract and have – in only 30 days?


ONLY $39.95!

Here’s how it works:

  • Download the 30-day Intention Activator Guidebook with Worksheets. You will use it every day for 30 days. It’s easy, quick, and fun!

  • Every day for 30 days, you will receive a short email with an inspiring quote and commentary to meditate on. This will keep you focused and your energy up. You’ll love it!

  • Every day for 30 days, listen to specially created inspired music – three original bestselling albums of beautiful healing music — to help you meditate, relax, visualize, clear, Nevillize and actually attract your intentions!

That’s it!


This may be the easiest system ever created to help you –

- Carefully choose your inspired intentions

- Clear any “counter-intentions” to your goal

- Communicate your intentions to your Higher Self

- Stay focused on attracting what you want

- Take inspired action

- And achieve it!


Here’s the exciting story revealing the “missing secret” – why this really works…and why it will work for YOU, too…


Dear Friend,

Why do most people fail at attracting what they want?

It’s not due to lack of desire.

Everyone has a desire.

But somehow not everyone attracts his or her desires.


It’s due to “counter-intentions” in their mind!

Let me explain…


What’s a “counter-intention”?

An intention is your statement of desire.

Something like “I intend to attract my perfect soulmate.”

A “counter-intention” is a statement that contradicts your intention.

Something like, “but all the good people are taken.”

Another intention might be, “I intend to attract more money.”

But a counter-intention might be, “I think money is bad.”

Get the idea?

An intention is what you want; but a counter-intention is a hidden belief blocking what you want.


Now get this –

Until you clear the counter-intentions, there is little chance of you actually attracting what you want!

Your counter-intentions will cancel out your intentions!

Your intentions and counter-intentions will have a tug of war in your mind – but your counter-intentions will win because they are hidden from you!

No wonder people don’t always attract what they want!

They have a saboteur in their own mind!

Most people don’t know this!


This is The Missing Secret!

Counter-intentions are THE Missing Secret to attracting what you want!

I discovered this from my decades of teaching people how to attract what they want through my books, audios, movies, coaching and more.

Some easily did it.

Others struggled.

Now I know that the struggle was with the hidden beliefs in their mind.

It was with their unknown counter-intentions!

But nobody knew it!

Now, you know the missing secret.

What can you do about it?

That’s where a brand new program that I created, with the help of Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon, can help you.

In fact, we guarantee it!


We call it “The 30-Day Intention Activator.”

As the name suggests, it’s designed to be completed over a 30-day period.


It’s a beautiful new system to help you more easily attract what you want.

Here’s how it works:

  • Every day you look at the worksheet for that day and state your intention, script your desire, and more. (It won’t take long to fill out but it will go miles in programming your mind and placing “an order” with the Universe.)

  • You also listen to special music to help your vibration stay high and help you clear out those counter-intentions. (You’ll love it!) These are three of our bestselling albums, all designed to bring up your vibration, relax and rejuvenate you, clean and clear your unconscious, and connect you to your spiritual power. They will align your energy centers, and more. (This is priceless!)

  • And every day for 30 days you will receive a brief reminder by email from Mathew and I that will keep you focused on your goals. (All you do is read them as they come in.)


As you can see, this is a no-brainer.

And easy!

You simply use the system to keep you focused and moving forward, while engaging your mind-body-spirit in a playful approach to your success.

The results pretty much almost happen by themselves – almost by magic.

But it’s happening because you are working the system!


That’s all you have to do!

But here’s yet another reason why this is so important:

As you know, most people don’t even know what they want.

Others know but have hidden counter-intentions blocking their success.

And others don’t stay focused long enough to manifest anything.

Others still don’t take any action.

No wonder most people struggled with getting results!

They were missing the entire approach!

They were missing a SYSTEM!

This new program solves all that!

I want you to achieve your dreams.

You can do it – especially now with this new 30-day system.

Again, it’s designed to be simple and almost effortless.

But the impact it will have on your life will be undeniably wonderful!

Imagine it – you can finally stay clear, focused, and moving forward.

Imagine what you can attract and accomplish!

Imagine 30 days from now – and you are celebrating your successes!!!


Why 30 Days?

In case you are wondering, research shows that a new habit can be formed in about three weeks. That’s 21 days.

But by going 30 days, you deeply influence your mind, your beliefs, and your behavior, to consistently get the results you want.

30 days helps you install the new way of thinking, being, doing, and acting.


Are you beginning to see how this is so powerful that it can change your life forever?

In just 30 days, you can be soaring toward your desires!!!

There’s one more thing before you order right now…

Your 100% Solid Guarantee


Your satisfaction is fully guaranteed.

Obviously, you need to try the program to know it will work for you.

So get it, use it for 30 days, and note your differences.

  • Notice that the last 30 days were better due to the program.

  • Notice that you felt happier and more jubilant during the last 30 days.

  • Notice that you attracted what you wanted or can see that you are about to.

  • Notice that you are less stressed, more relaxed, more spiritual, and generally more at peace in every moment.

OR ask for your money back!


It’s that simple.

Be totally satisfied or just decide it was a 30-day experiment.

We are so confident that you will absolutely love this program that we will give you over 30 days to decide!!!

Take 60 days to check it out!!

Take two months!!!

Take a full 8 weeks!!!

Nothing could be fairer than that.


Ask yourself –

“If I don’t do something new right now, what will my tomorrows be like?”

And the obvious answer is, if you don’t change something right now, you can expect to get the same results tomorrow.

Are you ready to be transformed?

Are you ready to attract your desires?

Are you ready to use a simple, fun, engaging system?

And be a new you in only 30 days?


I know you are ready, or you wouldn’t be reading this!

As you know, the best time to start anything is right now.

I strongly suggest you order this 30-day system – get the worksheets, the email reminders, and the three albums (that you will love!) – and begin today.


Why not do it right now?

And then -

Expect Miracles!



Dr. Joe Vitale
Member BBB 2003 – 2015

PS – You can repeat the program as often as you like, using the music you will have and the workbook you will have. So the 30-day program can become an investment in your life that you will refer to again and again, as long as you want to use it. It’s entirely up to you. If I were you, I’d grab this right now. After all, it’s guaranteed. And you know you have a few things you want to attract, achieve and accomplish. NOW is the time. 30 days later is the result.


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© 2015 Joe Vitale and Mathew Dixon, (All rights reserved)
Dr. Joe Vitale, a star in the hit movie ”The Secret,” bestselling author of The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits, television guest star on Larry King Live and CNN, ABC, FOX, etc., is the world’s first self-help singer songwriter.
*NOTE: The music we offer is for entertainment purposes only. We are not making any medical, psychological, or therapeutic claims. Do not stop seeing your doctor, or taking medications, or taking care of your health. This music is designed to assist you in relaxing, which is essential to health and healing.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

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